Your Vehicle's Warranty Is Safe!

S&B’s ENGINE PROTECTION Limited Protection Warranty.

S&B commits that our customers will not be charged for a repair due to the manufacturer denying their warranty claim because of the presence of an S&B Product. We warrant that using an S&B Product will not result in the denial of your vehicle’s original warranty. S&B’s Engine Protection Limited Warranty is limited to the USA and Canada and does NOT cover any extended or aftermarket vehicle warranties. S&B's Engine Protection Limited warranty does NOT cover any S&B Suspension parts. Installing S&B Suspension parts may result in a denied warranty claim due to increased stress on drivetrain components.

The original purchaser of the vehicle and S&B product is covered by the S&B warranty against any engine damage incurred as a direct result of using a properly installed S&B product on the specific vehicle that its use was intended. Included in this warranty are reasonable vehicle repair costs directly related to the engine damage caused by the failure of the S&B Product. S&B will not be responsible for any consequential, indirect, contingent, special or other damages not outlined in this warranty. S&B will not be responsible for any costs whatsoever if it is more likely than not that the damage to the engine was in no way related to the S&B Product.

In order to be eligible for our Engine Protection Limited Warranty, you must properly install and maintain your S&B Product. Furthermore, S&B must be contacted for approval before the dealer, who denied the repair under warranty, performs any work on the vehicle. For intake kits with cleanable (oiled air filters), the S&B Precision Cleaning & Oiling Kit must be utilized according to the instructions. Using another brand’s cleaning kit will void S&B’s warranty. The correct amount of oil must be applied to the filter after cleaning in order for it to perform properly and be eligible for this warranty protection. You may be asked to provide evidence that you utilized our Precision Cleaning Kit. If you can't provide this evidence, S&B will either deny your warranty request or have you send in your filter for testing. Upon receipt of your filter, S&B will service it and test it on our ISO 5011 Test Stand. If S&B deems the filter is performing properly, your warranty request will be denied. The bottom line is that if you service your filter properly, S&B will stand behind you.

What if I am not the original owner of my vehicle or if I had a competitors intake/filter previously installed?

If you are not the original owner of the vehicle or if you have previously used another company’s intake/filter, you must have the vehicle inspected by a dealer (who also is authorized to sell new vehicles), so that we can be sure that the engine was in good condition prior to installing an S&B product. The dealer must confirm that the vehicle's engine was in good condition by placing the text listed below on a work order (or other official paperwork) in order to be covered by S&B's Engine Protection Limited Warranty. In the event you did not get your vehicle inspected prior to installing the S&B intake kit, S&B will test your filter in our climate controlled lab according to the ISO 5011 Test Standard. Upon receipt, the filter will be inspected to ensure it has not been damaged, cleaned, properly re-oiled and tested at the max CFM of the vehicle. If the efficiency rate is greater than 99%, the filter will be deemed as working properly and no claim will be paid.

“An inspection of the engine components for the vehicle listed was done, and it has found that there is no evidence of damaged components due to debris bypassing the vehicle’s air filter. This includes but is not limited to damaged to turbo blades (if applicable) and the cylinder walls. I have also inspected the vehicle and have not found any evidence that a programmer or tuner was previously used on the vehicle.”

Is the engine warranty still valid if a tuner and/or programmer has been used on my vehicle?

S&B's engine warranty is still valid if you have altered the software of your vehicle; however, the engine warranty will only cover damage to a turbo. S&B must make this change in our engine warranty when the vehicle's software has been altered because there are just too many situations where S&B might be incorrectly blamed for damage caused by making a change in the vehicle's software.

Fraudulent Claims

S&B can provide an engine warranty such as this because we test our filters and know that our filters will properly protect your engine. Unfortunately, there are always those individuals who try to take advantage of a situation. If S&B pays a claim for your vehicle and you knowingly conceal that the truck was previously owned, used a competitor's intake, or you did not disclose that the vehicle's software had been modified, you will be required to reimburse S&B 10 times the amount S&B paid to repair your vehicle plus any attorneys fees required to resolve the matter. Prior to S&B paying a claim, you will be required to sign a document indicating that you agree to provide S&B with any and all records (credit card bills, vehicle information, receipts, etc) requested if S&B suspects that your claim is fraudulent and decides to investigate the matter.

What will S&B do if I encounter a problem with a dealer?

S&B will expeditiously reimburse our customer for the cost of the repair if a dealer denies the warranty repair as a result of a claim that the S&B intake kit or OE replacement filter caused the damage to your engine/vehicle. In order to receive reimbursement, S&B requires each of the following:

  1. Documentation from the dealer: Provide written documentation from the dealer where the dealer faults the S&B intake or filter for the required repair work or refusal of warranty coverage.

  2. Obtain the damaged parts: You or the dealer must provide S&B with all the allegedly damaged parts. Many states have laws requiring the dealer to retain all replaced parts until receiving consent from the consumer to dispose of the parts. S&B will pay for the shipping costs to receive these parts.

  3. Proof of purchase: You will need to provide proof of purchase of S&B products and your assistance in helping us as we investigate the claim.

  4. Original Purchaser of Vehicle & Prior Use: Provide proof that you are the original owner of the vehicle. You must also indicate that no other intake kit or filter (other than stock) has been used on your vehicle and that the vehicle’s programming has never been changed with a tuner or programmer.

Upon completion of steps 1-4 referenced above, S&B will contact the dealer to investigate their claim and one of the following three (3) things will occur.

  • Dealer reverses its position & covers the repair cost: S&B manufactures products that have been used by the OE manufacturers themselves, so we are very familiar with the testing requirements. We subject our products to many of the same tests in our 1/2 million dollar, climate controlled test lab. In this lab, we test our products to the ISO 5011 International Test Standard which is the same standard used by virtually all the OEs including Chrysler, Toyota, General Motors, etc. When S&B presents these facts, the dealer may often reverse its position and cover your repair cost.

  • S&B pays for repairs & pursues dealer legally: Although there are laws to protect your rights (Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act was passed to protect the consumer’s right to purchase parts not made by an OE), in rare cases, some dealerships attempt to use simply the presence of an intake kit or OE replacement filter to deny a legitimate warranty claim and instead force the consumer to cover the cost of the repair. Some less scrupulous dealers leverage the consumer’s need to get their vehicle back on the road, in order to get the consumer to cover the cost of the repair. S&B will not sit back and let this happen. We will cover the cost of the repair and then initiate litigation against the dealer to recoup our costs.

  • S&B denies your claim & aids in dealer discussions: If S&B determines not enough evidence was provided to support your claim, we reserve the right to reject the claim and will do our absolute best to assist you in your negotiations with the dealer.

In the unlikely event you have an issue with your dealer, S&B will go above and beyond to help you resolve the issue quickly and effectively. You can reach us at 909.947.0015 or via email at

The information contained in this warranty page and on this website is subject to change without notice.