Raise the vehicle up on a lift to working height.
- Installation can be completed without a lift. Make sure the vehicle is safely parked with the parking brake set.
Raise the vehicle up on a lift to working height.
- Installation can be completed without a lift. Make sure the vehicle is safely parked with the parking brake set.
Disconnect the vent and fill hose from the filler/vent neck assembly.
Center the hydraulic jack underneath the fuel tank and raise until the jack contacts the tank. Caution: Support the tank properly as remaining fuel can slosh and cause the tank to shift.
- Lift Install: Hydraulic Jack
- Floor Install: Floor jack with added support to properly hold tank
Remove the 4 bolts that fasten the skid plate to the frame. Make sure you only remove the 15mm that hold the skid plate to the frame. You will also see two 19mm bolts that hold the fuel tank in the skid plate. These will be removed later.
Lower the tank 6" until you can easily reach the fuel sending unit to disconnect all connectors.
Remove the electrical connector on the sending unit. Use a screwdriver or pick to slide the red locking tab out, then depress the tab and the connector will release.
Remove both the feed and return lines from the sending unit.Squeeze the blue buttons on the fuel connecter, gently press in towards the barb then pull off.
Now the tank is completely disconnected from the vehicle and can be lowered from the vehicle. Ensure the tank is still properly supported as remaining fuel can slosh and cause the tank to move.
Clean the area around the fuel sending unit to prevent debris from getting into the tank when removing the sending unit. Now use a 8mm socket to remove the OEM sending unit. This sending unit will be reused with the S&B Tank
Put Loctite on the 6 included studs and install them into the tank.
Remove the factory sending unit gasket and replace it with the included S&B gasket.
Place the sending unit into the tank in the same orientation it came out of the stock tank.
Thread on the locknuts and torque to 89 in lbs.
On the OEM fuel tank. Use a 19 metric socket to remove 2 strap bolts which hold the stock fuel tank into the skid plate.
Remove the OEM tank from the skid plate. You may have to pry to get the OEM tank to pop out of the skid plate. Optional Tools
Place the S&B Tank in the OEM skid plate, reassemble the straps using a 19mm socket.
Position the S&B Tank on a jack and raise the tank until you are able to reconnect sending unit connections. Ensure the vent lines are positioned through the frame properly.
Reconnect the electrical connector on the sending unit. Slide the red locking tab back into the locked position.
Reconnect the electrical connector.
With a 15 metric socket, reinstall the 4 bolts that hold the fuel tank skid plate assembly to the truck frame. Hand torque the bolts to make sure all 4 bolts are tight.
Slide the vent hoses onto your S&B Tank and use a flathead screwdriver to tighten hose clamps.
If you have had any questions, please call or text us at (909)675-1313. If you installed your S&B Tank because of de-lamination issues, we recommend cleaning your fuel system and not re using any of the fuel from your previous tank. Thank you for purchasing an S&B Tank.